Documents > Air transport > Environment > Legislation in the Czech Republic Legislation in the Czech Republic14/10/2016 11:24:14|Environment Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on protection of public health and amendment of some related Acts, as subsequently amended Section 30 of the Act states that the airport operators shall be obliged to ensure by means of technical, organisational and other measures that the noise does not exceed hygienic limits specified in a regulation for implementation for protected outer premises, protected inner structure premises and protected outer structure premises. Section 31, Paragraph 2 of the Act states that in case hygienic limits for noise from the operation of international public airports ensuring more than 50 thousand takeoffs or landings per annum are exceeded, the operator of the airport shall be obliged to propose a protective noise zone. Section 31, Paragraph 3 of the Act states that the airport operators shall be obliged to gradually carry out or ensure carrying out of anti-noise measures in such scope that the hygienic limits for noise are complied with at least inside residential buildings, family houses, schools and pre-school care facilities, facilities of health and social care and facilities for similar purposes. Shall the anti-noise measures, according to an expert assessment, not ensure compliance with hygienic limits, the competent administrative authority may commence a procedure on a change in use of the structure or removing thereof, as appropriate. Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation and on amendment and supplement of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on engaging in trade (The Trades Licensing Act), as subsequently amended According to Section 12, Paragraph 1, Letter c) of the Act it shall be prohibited to operate an aircraft in the airspace of the Czech Republic in technical and operating condition that does not correspond to the requirements of safe aviation and environmental protection laid down by an implementing regulation. According to Section 44, Paragraph 2 of the Act the use of Czech Republic airspace for flight may be restricted or prohibited above certain areas for environmental protection reasons* and the health of the population. ------------------------------- * For instance, the Section 16, Paragraph 1, Letter n) of Czech National Council Act No. 114/1992 Coll., on the protection of the nature and landscape. Government Regulation No. 502/2000 Coll., on health protection against unfavourable effects of noise and vibrations, as subsequently amended According to Section 12, Paragraph 4 of the Regulation the highest permissible values of acoustic pressure A for the air traffic noise in the outer premises of residential structures is set at LAeq,T = 65 db for the daytime and LAeq,T = 55 db for the night time. Back to article list Previous article
Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on protection of public health and amendment of some related Acts, as subsequently amended Section 30 of the Act states that the airport operators shall be obliged to ensure by means of technical, organisational and other measures that the noise does not exceed hygienic limits specified in a regulation for implementation for protected outer premises, protected inner structure premises and protected outer structure premises. Section 31, Paragraph 2 of the Act states that in case hygienic limits for noise from the operation of international public airports ensuring more than 50 thousand takeoffs or landings per annum are exceeded, the operator of the airport shall be obliged to propose a protective noise zone. Section 31, Paragraph 3 of the Act states that the airport operators shall be obliged to gradually carry out or ensure carrying out of anti-noise measures in such scope that the hygienic limits for noise are complied with at least inside residential buildings, family houses, schools and pre-school care facilities, facilities of health and social care and facilities for similar purposes. Shall the anti-noise measures, according to an expert assessment, not ensure compliance with hygienic limits, the competent administrative authority may commence a procedure on a change in use of the structure or removing thereof, as appropriate. Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation and on amendment and supplement of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on engaging in trade (The Trades Licensing Act), as subsequently amended According to Section 12, Paragraph 1, Letter c) of the Act it shall be prohibited to operate an aircraft in the airspace of the Czech Republic in technical and operating condition that does not correspond to the requirements of safe aviation and environmental protection laid down by an implementing regulation. According to Section 44, Paragraph 2 of the Act the use of Czech Republic airspace for flight may be restricted or prohibited above certain areas for environmental protection reasons* and the health of the population. ------------------------------- * For instance, the Section 16, Paragraph 1, Letter n) of Czech National Council Act No. 114/1992 Coll., on the protection of the nature and landscape. Government Regulation No. 502/2000 Coll., on health protection against unfavourable effects of noise and vibrations, as subsequently amended According to Section 12, Paragraph 4 of the Regulation the highest permissible values of acoustic pressure A for the air traffic noise in the outer premises of residential structures is set at LAeq,T = 65 db for the daytime and LAeq,T = 55 db for the night time.