• The newly issued DL is, according to Sec. 1 of Regulation no. 31/2001 Coll., On Driving Licences and the Driver Registry, as amended, a document in the form of a plastic polycarbonate card, sized 54 x 86 mm (the size of telephone or bank cards). The background (core) is pink, fading into blue and white; the front top part bears the sign "ŘIDIČSKÝ PRŮKAZ ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA"...
• An application may be submitted by: 1. A natural person, if it concerns information about himself/herself; 2. A natural or legal person (NP, LP), on the basis of the written consent of the person about whom the NP or LP is requesting the information, verified by the appropriate authority. • Requests for Excerpts from a Driver’s Evidentiary File are...
Brief description • A precondition for the issuance of a DL is the successful completion of a test of driver competency, on the basis of which – provided that other conditions, such as age, adequate health, and others, are met – a person is granted a Driving Entitlement(s). • Applications for DLs are processed by the appropriate office (based on the locale of the...
• The applicant may be only a person who holds a DL issued by a foreign state or a European Communities DL, and who has been granted a long-term or a permanent permission to stay in the Czech Republic, or a person who holds a DL issued by a foreign state or a European Communities DL, who has permanent residence in the Czech Republic and lives in the country for more than 185 calendar days...
Brief description • A Czech Republic International Driving Licence is a supplementary document to a national Driving Licence. In the Czech Republic, two models of International Driving Licences are issued, based on the Conventions on Road Traffic, namely the “Vienna” model and the “Geneva” model. • An International Driving Licence does not...
• A holder of a DL must report all changes in information compulsorily specified in a DL, within five business days from the date of the change, to the appropriate municipal authority of a municipality with delegated powers, or to the town hall of a city in the Czech Republic. • He/She should file an application form for a new DL or an IDL, to the appropriate section of a municipal...
Brief description• In the case of the loss, theft, damage, or destruction of a DL or IDL, the holder of a Driving Entitlement(s) must report the fact immediately to the appropriate section of the municipal authority of a municipality with delegated powers, or to the town hall of a city in the Czech Republic, where he/she has his/her permanent residence. • In the case of...
General Information The subjecting of motorways to a fee is regulated by Act no. 13/1997 Coll., On the Road Network, as amended. Motorways, which are marked with a road sign as a motorway, determined by an Implementation Regulation, can only be used by a motor vehicle with at least four wheels, upon the payment of a fee for the use of a motorway. The fee can be paid for a whole calendar year...
https://www.jetbee.aeroAir CarrierLicence No.:ABS Jets, a. s. K letišti 549, Hangár C 161 00 Praha 6http://www.absjets.cz/CZ - 8/LAEROPARTNER a.s. Nový Dvůr 79, 538 03 Podhořany u Ronova K letišti 1063, 160 08 Praha 6CZ-65/LAEROTAXI, s. r. o. Nad vinným potokem 1149/2 101 11 Praha 10http://www.aerotaxi.euCZ - 56/LAir Bohemia a.s...
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