Representatives of the Ministry of Transport and the Association of Driving Schools of the Czech Republic welcomed their counterparts from the KOROAD organization from South Korea, which offers driver testing, to the Hradec Králové polygon. They came here to get inspired by the driver education system, which is very different in this Asian country.
The Czech project "Learn to Survive" was awarded by CIECA. It was awarded in the category BEST ROAD SAFETY INITIATIVE IN 2022 at the 55th Annual Meeting in Vienna. This award recognises outstanding projects, ideas and activities by CIECA members that promote road safety, help save lives and reduce road injuries and raise standards within their own organizations.
Hundreds of representatives from countries around the world are meeting in Leipzig these days for the International Transport Forum Summit. Thursday's part of the three-day programme was also attended by Czech transport minister Martin Kupka. With his ministerial colleagues responsible for transport, he discussed current global transport challenges, transport aid to Ukraine and the making of transport greener. On the sidelines of the joint programme, minister Kupka also attended a number of important bilateral meetings.
Almost 1 000 visitors came to see the headquarters of the Ministry of Transport today as part of the Open House Prague festival. The participants of the open day were guided through some of the premises by the transport minister Martin Kupka.
The construction of the D4 Via Salis motorway, which is the first Czech PPP project in the infrastructure sector, is almost half finished two years since the start of work. By the end of this year it will be 79% finished.
Motorway tolls will change from March 2024. It will now be possible to pay for a one-day vignette for CZK 200, the ten-day vignette will cost CZK 270 and the monthly vignette will cost CZK 430. The annual fee will cost CZK 2300 from March next year. This follows from the draft amendment to the Act on Roads, which includes the mandatory proportionality of prices for individual types of vignettes according to the European Directive.