Do zadávacího řízení na koncesionáře se přihlásilo celkem pět zájemců. Všechny obdržené žádosti o účast nyní Ministerstvo dopravy posoudí a seřadí podle předložených referencí. První čtyři nejkvalifikovanější zájemci budou následně vyzváni k účasti v další fázi zadávacího řízení, kterým je soutěžní dialog.
Transport minister Martin Kupka signed a memorandum of cooperation with his Korean counterpart Sang-woo Park. The focus will be on rail transport, construction of high-speed lines, an the increase of its safety and cooperation between Czech and Korean businesses. During the meeting as part of the Korean delegation's visit to Prague, the two ministers also discussed new opportunities for clean mobility. Both sides supported the development of air transport.
The government discussed the results of a feasibility study for the Morava Fast Connections project, which recommends the adoption of the public-private partnership (PPP) method to build three parts of the network for fast trains in Central, Southern and Northern Moravia. Next up is the selection of the transaction advisor.
The presentation of a turnout that will be used on the future Czech high-speed railway took place on the premises of DT – Výhybkárna a strojírna in Prostějov. The product, which is the result of the company's own development, enables trains to run at 350 km/h in the straight direction and 230 km/h when changing to another track.
Správa železnic and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with the participation of the Minister of Transport and a consortium of consulting firms, presented the key parameters of the first PPP project on the Czech railway. The presentation in Prague's Fanta Building attracted more than 200 representatives of investors, contractors and financing institutions, with another 80 joining online.
The long-term project "Czech Journey to Space" presented this June involves, among other things, the education of pupils and students. It shall stimulate their interest in studies and the career, especially in technical and natural sciences, through educational, awareness-raising and popularisation activities.