On Tuesday February 7, 2017 the period for funding applications in the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) expired. Since 2014, this was the third and last possibility how to get this European funding. Applicants submitted 30 projects amounting to EUR 988 million.
Extension of the South-Bohemian D3 motorway to Budweis (České Budějovice), the D11 from Hradec Králové towards Poland and the D35 to Olomouc. These motorway sections are the closest ones to construction commencement. The government received the information as part of the building investment preparations overview.
The minister of transportation Dan Ťok negotiated with Andrzej Adamczyk, the Polish minister of infrastructure and construction, in Dobruška about a better road and railway connection between the two countries. Construction of another 22.5 kilometres from Hradec Králové to Jaroměř will start in 2017. On the Polish side, approximately 180 kilometres are under construction and preparations are under way on the last section towards the state border.
Dan Ťok, the transportation minister, met his Austrian counterpart, the minister of transportation, innovations and technologies Jörg Leichtfried. Construction of the cross-border road and railway connection between the two countries was one of the main agenda points. Both ministers confirmed readiness to connect the D3 motorway with the S10 speedway.
The government approved at its meeting today project proposals in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) that shall help develop the aviation industry and space activities in the Czech Republic for 2017 and 2018. The annual budget for these activities is CZK 375 million.
The last missing section of the D8 motorway between Lovosice and Řehlovice will be opened for drivers on December 17. This completes the D8 motorway in its full length of 94 km and creates the second international motorway connection between Germany and the Czech Republic. RSD is opening this new section after the necessary construction works have been completed and road safety ensured.