The Třinec bypass now begins to serve the drivers and will divert traffic from the city17/10/2017|Press releasesDrivers can already use the bypass of the town of Třinec. The 11-km section Nebory – Oldřichovice – Bystřice is part of the I/11 road and will significantly relieve the inhabitants of Třinec and Vendryně. The bypass will also be of great help to large businesses based in the region. The bypass is also an important route connecting the Czech Republic with Slovakia and Poland. "I am happy that the bypass, the construction of which was obstructed by many obstacles, could now be opened. I hope that construction of the last section between Třanovice and Nebory will start very soon. ŘSD has already selected the contractor and now only four more building permits have to be awarded," said the Transport Minister Dan Ťok. The construction of the bypass was facing its biggest crisis in the autumn of last year. The Portuguese company Mota-Engil that was building the Oldřichovice – Bystřice section suddenly left the construction from one day to another and its Czech partner (SDS Exmost) faced bankruptcy. There was therefore a serious risk for the bypass that it would stay unfinished. However, through the Portuguese ambassador, minister Ťok convened a meeting with the management of the Portuguese company and agreed on construction continuation. And the Třinec bypass could be opened a bit earlier than planned. When commencing construction in the summer of 2014, it was assumed that first cars would drive here only in April 2018. In the beginning the traffic on the Třinec bypass will be limited in some areas to two lanes (out of four). The reason is that finishing works need to be completed. The bypass will then enjoy full operation in the spring of next year. Source: TV Třinec Technical data Length: 11 099 m Price: CZK 2.8 billion excluding VAT Contractor: IMOS Brno, a.s.; D.I.S., spol. s r.o. (shorter section), MOTA-ENGIL and SDS EXMOST (longer section) 14 bridge structures on I/11; 5 over I/11 3 overhead crossings