The Ministry is selecting 4 consortia for the completion and operation of 32 km of the D4 motorway21/9/2018|Press releasesThe Ministry of Transport together with State Fund for Transport Infrastructure and the advisory consortium formed by White & Case, Česká spořitelna (Erste Group) and Obermeyer Helika assessed the content of the requests for participation in the tender for the concessionaire for the Public Private Partnership (PPP) project on the D4 motorway. All seven applicants declare experience with a similar type of project, where the concessionaire designed, built, financed and operates a selected section of the motorway. The ministry is now selecting four bidders for the completion and operation of 32 km of the D4 motorway between Příbram and Písek. "At the Ministry we are selecting the bidders that will be invited to the competitive dialogue for the 25 years concession for DBFOM of 32 kilometers of the D4 motorway from Příbram to Písek. The companies interested in the tender are from Germany, France, Spain, but also consortia of Turkish-Italian-Dutch-Luxembourg companies or Austro-Australian-Spanish-French association. From the seven consortiums, we will now select four to participate in the competitive dialogue. In 2020, the winner could start building the whole section at once" Transport Minister Dan Ťok said. The participants of the tender that sent their request for qualification are (in the order of the date of receipt of the RFQ): HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions GmbH (Germany) + STRABAG AG (Austria) PAN-MEDITERRANEAN ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD (Izrael) DIF Infra 5 Participations 1 B.V (Netherlands) + Acciona Concesiones S.L. (Spain) + John Laing Investments Ltd. (UK) IC Içtaş Inşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Turkey) + ASTALDI S.p.A. (Italy) + Intertoll Infrastructure Developments B.V (Netherlands) + BBGI PPP Investment S.à.r.l. (Luxembourg) + TIIC 2, S.C.A., SICAR (Luxembourg) VINCI Highways SAS (France) + VINCI Concessions SAS (France) + Meridiam Investments SAS (France) PORR Beteiligungen und Management GmbH (Austria) + Macquarie Corporate Holdings Pty Limited (Australia) + Obrascon Huarte Lain, S.A. (Spain) + Egis Projects S.A. (France) FCC Concesiones, S.L. (Spain) The PPP D4 project consists of design, build, finance, operate and maintain of the 32 km missing part of D4 between Háje and Mirotice, and operation and maintenance on subsequent sections of D4 and the 1st class road #20 in the Skalka - Háje and the Mirotice – Krašovice sections. In this context, the Road and Motorways Directorate continues intensively in the investment preparation, in order to obtain building permits in a timely manner, including the provision of diagnostic works on existing sections D4 and I / 20 in order to obtain the necessary data for risk assessment by participants in the competitive dialogue. Dostavba 32 km dálnice D4 je zase o kousek blíž. Do tendru se přihlásilo těchto sedm zájemců. Vybereme z nich čtyři, kteří se „utkají" o zakázku na dostavbu a 25 let provozu dálnice formou PPP. V roce 2020 by vítěz mohl začít stavět celý úsek najednou! — Dan Tok (@tok5934) 20. září 2018 In the Czech Republic, no PPP project in state transport infrastructure has reached this stage of preparation. "In the three to six year horizon, European funds for the constructions of motorways will be significantly reduced. Therefore, we need to prepare for other funding models, such as public-private partnerships, so-called PPPs. In the future, we would like to use this way in the sections where we have a complete zoning permits for the stretch of motorway of at least 30 km. For example: D6, D35 or Central Bohemia part of D3" Ťok added.