Ministers of transport agreed in Brussels on a mobility package compromise

Ministers of transport agreed in Brussels on a mobility package compromise
4/12/2018Press releases

During a night meeting the ministers of transport agreed in Brussels on a mobility package compromise. The mobility package had been dividing Europe in two camps. This compromise agreement about the social security rules for drivers will bring an end to the enforcement of unilateral national measures by EU member states, restricting the road freight market.

Ministers of transport agreed in Brussels on a mobility package compromise

"It was essential for the Czech Republic that the directive concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services does not apply to bilateral transport. Regarding the so-called cabotage (i.e. operating transport services within another member state), the existing regime will be preserved, allowing three operations within seven days. On the other hand, a period of five days for breaks between cabotage was laid down," says minister Ťok who attended the meeting of transport ministers of the EU states.
The rules will also allows drivers spend two subsequent weekly rest times in their truck cabin, but they must spend their regular weekly rest hours outside the vehicle. Driver's work must be organised by the transport company in a way that the driver can return home every three or four weeks. Until the end of 2024 all vehicles in which international transport and cabotage is operated must be equipped with second-generation tachographs.
The compromise will be further negotiated in trialogues with the European Commission and the European Parliament. Long disputes had taken place about the so-called mobility package in the past. Countries such as France, Belgium and Germany decided to protect themselves against cheaper competitors from central and east European countries and were not interesting in any dialogue. Any efforts by central and east European countries, which were offering a number of concessions during the negotiations, had been permanently blocked.
The ministers were also discussing in Brussels the directive regarding the end of the seasonal time change. Like in October in Graz, the majority of member states agreed that a detailed analysis and an impact assessment should be provided for the named proposal on the European level.

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