New questions await driving licence applicants. They will examine the traffic rules and risk percept

New questions await driving licence applicants. They will examine the traffic rules and risk percept
24/7/2024Press releases

If you are going to take your driving test after 28 July this year, then beware. From this date onwards, a total of forty new questions will be waiting for driving licence applicants. As with the previous set of new questions, the aim of these latest ones is not only to test the knowledge of traffic rules but also perceptions of the risks involved in driving.

New questions await driving licence applicants. They will examine the traffic rules and risk percept
Thirty static and ten dynamic questions were presented at a press conference by representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Association of Driving Schools and the Police of the Czech Republic. Static questions are mainly mutations of existing questions but they need to address a different situation. Dynamic questions with animations then address real driving situations, such as passing at a crossing. "Dynamic questions are based on the Hazard Perception project and, as the name says, it is about risk perception. This is the trend in driver education of any risk-aware country. These questions include a short video sequence followed by a question. Typically, it is necessary to resolve a traffic situation such as passing through a crossing or reacting to an approaching parked vehicle," said Jiří Novotný from the Association of Driving Schools of the Czech Republic. 

This will bring the set of test questions to 1 100, while across the EU a set of approximately 2 000 questions is the standard. The complete set of new questions can be found at and You can check if you spot any potential risks early on. In addition, the individual situations are discussed in the light of applicable regulations.

"We want to get to at least 1,500 to 2,000 questions for the final driving test in the future, which is why we introduce sets of several dozen new questions several times a year. There are many reasons because traffic is evolving – just think how different things were in the past. We want to better test and communicate various problematic topics. We will show drivers in the form of questions a number of situations they will encounter on the road. They must be ready to deal with them," says Milan Janda from the Ministry of Transport.

This is the second set of new questions being added to the driving test this year. The first one was introduced in January and responded to the new road traffic rules that came into force on 1 January 2024. But they was also aimed at making driving licence applicants understand the traffic rules and learn how to properly assess crisis situations. The press conference also included a demonstration of innovations in driver education, specifically the risk perception simulator Movitren and a special motorbike school called Let's Learn to Survive with a programme aimed at scooter drivers under the Group B licence.

Road safety must be a priority for all of us, and the innovations presented can help significantly.
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