From 1 February, people can drive on a motorway only with e-vignette1/2/2021|Press releasesAfter a quarter century, the era of classic paper toll vignettes ended on 31 January. From 1 February, drivers can use only electronic vignettes to drive on motorways. Since December 2020, when the sale launched, till the end of January drivers bought 1,354,393 e-vignettes, out of which 1,248,960 were one-year e-vignettes, 23,830 one-month e-vignettes and 81,603 10-days e-vignettes. “Although the chapter of old vignettes is finished, the new electronic one opens doors to the future while bringing many benefits, such as an easy purchase for individuals and companies, rolling validity and especially no need to stick the vignette to their windscreen and then scraping it off”, said minister of transport Karel Havlíček. The rolling validity represents the main benefit for many drivers. While the old paper vignette was valid for a calendar year, the new one can be used for 365 days with any starting date. “Many drivers drive out on a motorway later than on 1 February. So, the new e-vignette offers them the possibility to buy it for example before Easter or summer holidays without shortening its validity”, pointed out Martin Opatrný, spokesperson of CENDIS, which is responsible for e-vignettes. “To avoid any mistakes when filling out the licence plate number, we advise drivers to look into their vehicle registration certificate. It might seem a bit impractical or ridiculous, but it proved being useful. If I buy the e-vignette with an immediate validity and make a mistake during the purchase, I cannot correct it or request a refund”, recommends Mr. Opatrný. Drivers must pay a toll for using Czech motorways since 1 January 1995. Back then, the toll applied to 569.9 out of 651.2 kilometres of the entire motorway network and expressways (motorway type roads). At first, only one-year vignettes were available. These cost CZK 400 for a car. For the first two years, the same price applied to owners of motorbikes. For a comparison, the average monthly wage in 1995 was CZK 8,804. The price of vignettes gradually increased up to the current CZK 1,500, which has been used for the past nine years. In 2000, one-month and 10-days vignettes were introduced in the Czech Republic as they are used in many countries with an electronic vignette system. For the entire 25-year history of using vignettes, people bought 122,172,122 pieces. What to be aware of when buying an e-vignette Approximately 3 % of buyers make a mistake when purchasing the e-vignette, mostly when filling out details. People usually state a wrong e-mail address, licence plate number or use a wrong payment identification number during the payment. Unfortunately, some mistakes are irreversible. If people buy an e-vignette with an immediate validity and enter a wrong licence plate number, there is no option to correct the mistake. We need to protect the system from a potential misuse. A typical example is that someone will buy an e-vignette in the morning, use it during the day and then cancel the payment in the evening. The safest way is to buy the e-vignette online at least a couple of days ahead. The mistakes can be then corrected. When buying the e-vignette at a post office or EuroOil petrol station, the drivers must check the details immediately on the spot. Any changes can be done only within the first 15 minutes after the purchase on the same branch. Again, this is due to the protection of the system from a potential misuse. All information including instructions are available at