Omnibus II Regulation: Validity of driving licences and technical inspections extended

Omnibus II Regulation: Validity of driving licences and technical inspections extended
30/4/2021Press releases

Expired driving or professional competence licences and technical roadworthiness checks are extended by 10 months. The extension applies to documents that expired between 1 September 2020 and 30 June 2021. The validity of Czech certificates, technical inspections or licences is extended by 10 months in the entire European Union from the day of the original validity. The extension of validity is another step to reduce mobility of citizens as a part of protective measures adopted to fight COVID-19 pandemic. The Regulation is effective from 6 March 2021.

Omnibus II Regulation: Validity of driving licences and technical inspections extended
“In the current situation, we need to limit contact between people as much as possible and this Regulation will help us to achieve this goal even in various transport areas. However, authorities and technical inspection stations remain open so that drivers can for example keep their vehicles in good technical conditions,” said minister of transport Karel Havlíček.

The extension of validity applies to driving licences, regular roadworthiness checks, professional competence certificates or deadlines for completing regular training of professional competence licence holders by another 10 months from the original validity.
If needed, it is still possible to exchange the driving licence or pass a roadworthiness check at the technical inspection station. Authorities and repair shops remain open. The map showing municipalities with extended powers and a list of technical inspection stations is available at the Ministry’s website. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Transport recommends to drivers to take their vehicle to regular roadworthiness checks. The Regulation aims to those who feel that their health is endangered, would have to travel between districts, live abroad, have a car in a depot, etc.

A so-called Omnibus II Regulation follows up on last year’s Omnibus I Regulation, which reacted to the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic and applied to the period between 1 February and 31 August 2020. Licences, which have already been extended, can be extended once more until 1 July 2021 or by 6 months, if the extended validity expires after 1 July 2021. The Ministry of Transport has already informed all municipal authorities with extended powers, technical inspection stations, regional authorities and the Police of the Czech Republic about the new Regulation.

Examples of situations
  •    If the original validity of your driving licence expired on 25 March 2020, according to the Omnibus I Regulation it was extended until 25 October 2020. Now, the Omnibus II Regulation allows for a further extension until 1 July 2021.
  •    If the original validity of your driving licence expired on 19 August 2020, according to the Omnibus I Regulation it was extended until 29 March 2021. Now, the Omnibus II Regulation allows for a further extension until 29 September 2021, because the extension by 6 months means extension after 1 July 2021
  • Under the current Omnibus II Regulation, it is no possible to extend a deadline for roadworthiness test that has been already extended under Omnibus I Regulation (valid for a period from 1 February to 31 August 2020). For example, if you were supposed to submit your vehicle for a roadworthiness test by 20 April 2020, the Omnibus I Regulation extended the validity by 7 months, i.e. until 20 November 2020. By that date, you were obliged to take your vehicle for a roadworthiness test. The Omnibus II Regulation does not allow for further extension of validity.
  • If the original validity of roadworthiness test expired on 30 August 2020, the Omnibus I Regulation extended it until 30 March 2021. Further extension is not possible; the owner/operator must submit their vehicle for a roadworthiness test until this date (30 March 2020).
  • If the vehicle’s owner/operator had been issued a certificate of roadworthiness test in August 2020 only for 30 days to ensure remedy of assessed defects, this deadline had then moved to September 2020 (i.e. falls under conditions of Omnibus II Regulation) and the owner/operator failed to attend the test, no extension shall be applied. The vehicle must be submitted for a test. Since the 30 days period has expired, the vehicle’s owner/operator must re-take the entire test, including measurement of emissions.
The Omnibus II Regulation does not apply to the following:
  •    Extension of mandatory regular medical examinations for drivers above 65 years;
  •    Registration checks certificates;
  •    Extension of validity of roadworthiness certificate and a 30-days period to re-take roadworthiness test;
  •    Validity of periodic roadworthiness test and roadworthiness certificate that has already been extended by Omnibus I Regulation (i.e. the validity expired between 1 February and 31 August 2020 and has been extended by 7 months, further extension is not possible);
  •    Category O1 and O2 trailers (trailers for passenger cars up to 3.500 kg);
  •    Category L motorcycles;
  •    Tractors and category T, R, C, and OT trailers with a maximum design speed not exceeding 40 km/h;
  •    Category Z road vehicles designed for driving on snow and ice.

The European Commission presented the draft Omnibus II Regulation in January as a reaction to the current pandemic situation and upon the demands from the Member States, including the Czech Republic. Following an urgent procedure, the European Parliament and the Council discussed the Regulation. It will become effective on 6 March in the entire EU. Driving licences and other transport documents will be considered valid in all Member States.

In October 2020, the Ministry of Transport issued a methodology statement that driving and professional competence licences, which expired between 1 September 2020 and 31 March 2021, are considered valid for another 6 months. However, this statement only applies to the Czech Republic.

Omnibus II Regulation amends also the following Regulations in terms of road freight transport:

  • Demonstrating a financial capacity shall be extended for a period of 12 months (under normal circumstances by 6 months)
  • The Community licences and driver attestations shall be extended for a period of 10 months.
  • Extension of validity of Community licences.
  • Notification process shall be extended for a period of 3 and 6 months (from the original 2 (for notification of decision) and 4 (for decisions on applications for authorisation) months).
  • Regular inspections of tachographs shall be carried out no later than 10 months following the date on which they would otherwise have to be carried out.
  • When a driver applies for the renewal or replacement of a driver card, a competent authority shall issue a new driver card no later than 2 months after the receipt of the request. The driver may continue to drive until a new driver card is received.
In railway transport, the Regulation amends the following directives:

  • The licences and train drivers’ certificates, which would have expired or would expire in the reference period, shall be extended for a period of 10 months. The time limits for the periodic medical and professional competence checks shall be extended for a period of 10 months.
  • The safety certificates shall be extended for a period of 10 months.
  • A regular review of financial capacity of railway undertakings shall be extended for a period of 10 months.
In water transport, the Regulation amends the following legislation:

Directive 96/50/EC
  • On reaching the age of 65 years, the holder of a boatmaster’s certificate must undergo a medical examination in the following three months and subsequently every year.
Directive (EU) 2016/1629
  • The validity of Union inland navigation certificates shall be extended for a period of 10 months.
Regulation (EC) No 725/2004
  • Due to the unprecedented situation of COVID-19 pandemic, inspections and reviews of maritime safety cannot be effectively carried out since they require presence of inspectors in ports, port facilities and ships. The same applies to renewal of certificates, assessments and plans required by the Union maritime safety legislation. Time periods shall be extended as needed for a reasonable period.

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