The Prague Declaration aims at the development and financing of strategic transport infrastructure

The Prague Declaration aims at the development and financing of strategic transport infrastructure
24/7/2024Press releases

Representatives of the V4+ countries met in the Fantova Building at the Prague Central Railway Station to discuss their joint efforts to accelerate the development of transport infrastructure and secure its financing. The meeting resulted in the signing of the Prague Declaration, summarising the main points of the meeting. This article offers their summary.

The Prague Declaration aims at the development and financing of strategic transport infrastructure
Uniform commitment
  • The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia commit to developing joint transport infrastructure projects to improve EU connectivity.
Transport development objectives
  • Recognition of the role of rail transport in achieving environmental objectives, economic growth and competitiveness.
  • Striving for a sustainable, smart and resilient transport network according to the TEN-T revision negotiated by CZ PRES 2022.
  • Priority for the development of high-speed rail in the central and north-eastern part of the EU. Linking the strategic transport projects Rail Baltica, Via Vindobona and HSR interconnections within V4. 
  • Focus on completing geostrategic links on the North-South and North-East axis. 
  • Commitment to upgrading existing rail infrastructure for improved capacity, competitiveness and accessibility, and military mobility.
  • Support for the reconstruction and development of transport links with Ukraine and Moldova.
Transport financing
  • Emphasis on the importance of European funds (Connecting Europe Facility, Cohesion Funds) for achieving transport and climate goals by 2030.
  • Call for increasing the ambition for the CEF in the next Multiannual Financial Framework to secure funding for transport projects.
  • Highlight the need for funding sources for green transportation transformation that meet the AFIR requirements.
  • Developing tools for transitional financing and continuity between financial frameworks for major projects.
  • Exploring alternative sources of finance, including loans and public-private partnerships (PPP) – an opportunity for Czech companies.
  • Confirmation of commitment to the development of transport infrastructure with regard to sustainability and economic and social benefits.
  • A commitment to work with other member states, the European Commission and the European Parliament to build a sustainable, resilient and connected transport network.
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