Over 60 level crossings improved this year8/7/2021|Press releasesSpráva železnic (the national railway infrastructure manager) is successfully implementing its plan to improve 200 level crossings this year. The modernisation, which includes also making the level crossings safer, will cost nearly CZK 2 billion. In the first half of 2021, Správa železnic finished works on 65 level crossings and continues working on other 67. Out of more than 60 finished improvements of railway crossings with other road infrastructure, nearly half were level crossings originally equipped only with warning crosses. Of these 29 railway crossings, 19 are newly equipped with warning lights and 10 with warning lights and crossing barriers. Crossing barriers were also added to 14 level crossings, originally secured only by warning lights. Manually operated crossing barriers were removed from 9 level crossings, where they were replaced by a safety device with warning lights, in 3 locations also by automated crossing barriers. A modern safety equipment replaced the original one from 1970s for example on 6 railway crossings between Ústí nad Labem-Střekov and Svádov, which was in the past a part with mostly tragic traffic collisions. Four out of these crossings have already been equipped with crossing barriers before the improvement works. In two cases, the workers added modern crossing barriers with warning LED lights. Warning crosses were replaced by safety warning lights for example on two railway crossings on the line between Vrané nad Vltavou and Dobříš, in one case also with added crossing barriers. Other ongoing works also deal with increasing safety mostly on level crossings with warning crosses and warning lights. By doing so, Správa železnic improves the safety of railway and road traffic. This is also reflected in a lower number of collisions. Last year, 143 collisions happened on level crossings, a decrease by 22 compared to previous year and the lowest number of collisions since the establishment of Správa železnic in 2003. The progress of improvement works is speeding up. Last year, Správa železnic improved 155 level crossings for more than CZK 1.5 billion. This year, we anticipate 200 improved railway crossings Foto: Správa železnic