The budget of the Railway Administration has been increased by more than four billion crowns14/2/2020|Press releasesThe Committee of the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (SFDI) has approved the change in the total amount of resources for the Railway Administration for 2020. This represents an increase in the total amount of CZK 4.2 billion, so the original amount of CZK 39.2 billion increased to CZK 43.4 billion. “The budget of our organization has been increased thanks to clearly declared support from the government, which is aware that railway transport plays a strategic role throughout the Czech Republic.” Therefore, it considers the development of railway transport one of its priorities,” said Jiří Svoboda, CEO of the Railway Administration. Among other things, this increase will be reflected in the non-investment area to strengthen resources for the repairs and maintenance of railway lines. In case of non-investment resources, the amount is CZK 1.85 billion, the whole amount is made up of national resources. The remaining approximately CZK 2.4 billion will then go towards strengthening investment. This amount consists of both national resources (less than 1 billion crowns) and European resources, approximately two-thirds are from the Operational Programme Transportation and one third from the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Programme. In the area of investment, the increased resources will be used mainly to start new constructions which have not yet been covered by the budget. These constructions include for example: Railway line electrification including pre-electrification preparations Brno – Zastávka u Brna, Phase I. GSM-R Chomutov – Cheb GSM-R Ústí nad Labem – Chomutov ETCS Beroun – Plzeň Establishing a passing loop in Bartoušov Revitalization of the line Chlumec nad Cidlinou – Trutnov ETCS Mosty u Jablunkova – Dětmarovice Modernization of the railway junction Pardubice Reconstruction of R110 kV on traction power station (TNS) Jablunkov A part of the increased resources for investment will be used to strengthen the financing of constructions already under way, such as the Increasing the line speed in the section Valašské Meziříčí – Hustopeče nad Bečvou or Railway corrections in the railway station Žďár nad Sázavou. The increased budget of the Railway Administration will also make it possible to implement quite an ambitious plan for the repairs and reconstruction of station buildings.