National railway infrastructure manager plans to rebuild 200 level crossings this year6/1/2021|Press releasesSpráva železnic (the national railway infrastructure manager) is working on increasing safety of level crossings. Last year, a total of 155 level crossings were rebuilt for more than CZK 1.5 billion. This year, it plans to rebuilt another 200 level crossings for approx. CZK 2 billion, which is more than previously planned. “Each year, we increase financial investments, which means higher resources for necessary reconstruction of level crossings. We therefore increase the safety of railway as well as road traffic. We intend to follow this trend in the upcoming years”, said director general of Správa železnic Jiří Svoboda. The modernization of level crossings and increasing the safety had a positive effect on the number of collisions. Last year, the number of collisions dropped by 22 (to 143), which is the least since the founding of Správa železnic in 2003. From originally planned 142 level crossings, Správa železnic managed to rebuilt 13 more last year. The safety was increased on 95 places; other 60 crossings were adjusted by adding modern technologies or by changing the surface. Most frequently (in 41 places), crossing barriers were added to the already operating warning lights to increase the safety. This year, Správa železnic plans to rebuilt 200 level crossings for approx. CZK 2 billion, mostly to increase safety. Crossing barriers will be added to already operating warning lights on 40 level crossings. Warning lights will be installed on other 30 places currently equipped only with cross signs. Precautionary video monitoring system will be installed on 8 level crossings. In terms of safety, an important aspect will be closure of 11 level crossings. New legislative amendments, which entered into force this year, should contribute to gradual closure of these types of crossings. Správa železnic prioritizes increasing safety of level crossings, which are considered potentially dangerous. This mainly concerns adding warning lights, crossing barriers and new technologies of barriers with LEDs.