No more compulsory light bulbs in vehicles and no need to replace expired first aid boxes any more9/8/2018|Press releasesThe decree amendment of the Ministry of Transport to be effective in October reduces the amount of compulsory vehicle equipment. Drivers no longer need to have replacement light bulbs or fuses in the vehicle any more. Scissors, a plastic mask, a triangular scarf and patches with a pad do not necessarily have to be inside the first aid kit any more. "It has become useless to carry light bulbs and fuses in the car. Drivers of modern cars have such a replacement done in the service anyway. Following an agreement with the Ministry of Health, we decided that a first air box without the mask and patch with a pad is sufficient and can also be expired," explains the minister of transport Dan Ťok. Scissors, which were not often used anyway according to the ministry and are hence dispensable, can now be also missing in the first aid kit. The amendment to decree No. 341/2014 Coll. on the approval of technical fitness for road traffic also simplifies and refines the duty of having a spare wheel in the vehicle and a set for replacing the wheel (a hand jack). "Vehicles with tyres allowing the car to reach a workshop in the event of a tyre defect and indicating the defect do not need to have a spare wheel. The vehicles can also have the quick fix set for the damaged tyre instead of a reserve wheel. The third exception are vehicles covered by assistance service, providing wheel replacement or tyre repair on the spot across the Czech Republic," the minister adds. After being negotiated by the government's council for legal affairs, the proposed changes to the decree shall be effective from October 1, 2018. New wording of the decree stipulating compulsory vehicle equipment Compulsory vehicle equipment Spare wheel and accessories necessary for wheel change 1. A spare wheel and accessories necessary for wheel change shall mean a spare wheel, i.e. rim with tyre attached sufficiently to the bracket ensuring that the force arising from taking the wheel off the bracket or placing the wheel into the bracket will not exceed 490 N; if more wheel dimensions are used on the vehicle, it must be possible to use the spare wheel for all such dimensions or the vehicle must be equipped with spare wheels for all dimensions, nut key or vehicle wheel screws and hand-held jack with a load bearing capacity equalling at least the biggest technically permissible weight per axle of the most loaded vehicle axle or vehicle system, or equalling the weight of the vehicle part being lifted from the biggest technically permissible vehicle weight when lifting this part in a way stipulated by the manufacturer for using a jack. 2. A spare wheel and accessories needed for wheel replacement is the compulsory equipment in vehicle categories M, N, O and R, with the exception of vehicles where all wheels are fitted with tyres of a special design and defect indication allowing an emergency ride with the defect, vehicles equipped with means for repairing the damaged tyre without disassembly, allowing an emergency ride, vehicles with corresponding contractual coverage based on which the damaged tyre will be repaired at any moment across the Czech Republic, city buses, fire rescue vehicles and garbage trucks operating in a limited area within the operating range of the service of its provider, trailers of categories O1 or R1, fire trailers or R category trainers operated in a limited area within the oprating range of the service of its provider or vehicles belonging to a vehicle system if another vehicle of the same system is equipped with a spare wheel of the same dimension, design and accessories needed for wheel replacement. First aid kit 1. The first aid kit must contain 1. a) Medical material quantity (units) Disposable bandage with 1 pad 1 (minimum width 8 cm, sorption capacity minimum 800g/m2) Disposable bandage with 2 pads 1 (minimum width 8 cm, sorption capacity minimum 800g/m2) Rubber tying bandage (60 x 1 250 mm) 1 Rubber gloves (latex), surgical, packaged 1 (hereafter only "motorist's first aid kit"), b) Medical material quantity (units) Kit size I. II. III. Disposable bandage with 1 pad 3 5 10 (minimum width 8 cm, sorption capacity minimum 800g/m2) Disposable bandage with 2 pads 3 5 10 (minimum width 8 cm, sorption capacity minimum 800g/m2) Smooth patch spool 1 2 4 (size 2.5 cm x 5 m, minimum adhesive capacity 7 N/25 mm) Rubber tying bandage (60 x 1 250 mm) 1 3 5 Rubber gloves (latex), surgical, packaged 1 2 4 Isothermic foil (minimum dimension 200 x 140 cm) 1 1 1 Note: the first aid car kit of size III can be replaced by two size II kits (hereafter only "first aid car kit"). 2. Motorist's first aid kit must be part of L category vehicle equipment, except for mopeds or motorised bikes. 3. The first aid car kit must be part of vehicle equipment except for L category vehicles, single-axle tractors with a trailer or motorised trailers: vehicles for mass transportation of people with more than 80 passengers of size III; for city public transportation vehicles a first aid car kit of size II is sufficient, vehicle for mass transportation of people with up to including 80 passengers of size II, any other size I motor vehicle with at least four wheels. 4. Fire rescue vehicles must be equipped with the corresponding type of first aid kit stipulated by another legal regulation4). 5. The contents of the first aid kit are placed in a separate case. The first air kit is placed in the vehicle in a place with no daylight. The storage compartment for the first air kit must be dry and clean and easy to access. In vehicles for mass transportation of people the first aid kit is placed in a designated and accessible place inside the vehicle intended for passengers. Warning triangle The warning triangle is a piece of compulsory equipment in vehicles approved according to regulation No. 27 of the Economic Commission for Europe except for category L and Z vehicles, single-axle tractors with a trailer and vehicles with a total width of less than 1 m. Fire extinguisher 1. The fire extinguisher means a fire extinguisher with corresponding extinguishing power in accordance with the applicable technical regulation5). The fire extinguisher must be assessed by a certified person for product compliance7). 2. Vehicles of categories M2, M3 or ambulances must be equipped with a fire extinguisher: vehicles of categories M2 or M3 with maximum 22 seats for the transportation of people except for the driver seat must be equipped with one or more fire extinguishers with minimum extinguishing power 21 A or 113 B, any other vehicles of categories M2 or M3 must be equipped with one or several fire extinguishers with minimum extinguishing power 43 A or 183 B or with a fire extinguisher in accordance with regulation No. 107 of the Economic Commission for Europe, ambulances must be equipped with a fire extinguishers with extinguishing power 34 B. 3. The fire extinguisher is attached in the vehicle in a designated bracket in the vertical or horizontal direction in a way ensuring that it can safely withstand acceleration of at least 6 g in the direction of the front crash of the vehicle and is placed in a well visible and easily accessible place, and one fire extinguisher is installed immediately next to the driver position.