The government supported the amendment that shall accelerate construction7/2/2018|Press releasesThe government supported the amendment to act No. 416/2019 coll. on the acceleration of the construction of transport, water and energy infrastructure, initiated by the transport minister and MP Dan Ťok. By accepting the compromise proposal by the MP, on which there is consensus across the political parties, the 13-year cycle, which each infrastructure construction project today goes through, will be shortened. The amendment accelerates the slow construction of motorways and other projects and could come into effect still this year. "During the last years, the preparation and commencement of new motorway projects was suspended, so we simply could not open more new motorways during the last four years. We have been primarily concentrating on getting the preparation back on track and starting new construction projects. The duration of construction preparation, lasting up to an incredible 13 years, is a disaster. Construction can start only after such a long period of time", says minister Dan Ťok. The new law amendment contains new institutes, the aim of which is allow the fastest possible start of preparation works. The so-called "Preliminary Holding" institute is the main tool for construction acceleration. "This will mean that construction can start on selected priority projects prior to the expropriation of all land plots along the future motorway or railway route. It will not be possible to appeal against the expropriation, which delays the construction by months or years", the transport minister explains. If the MPs pass the amendment, it will be possible to buy land during construction preparation and the payment of compensation for liens will become easier. An authority will be appointed in every region that will manage the planning permit proceeding for each project. For the majority of regions, it will be the municipal department with extended authority in the regional head office, which will ensure better expertise among officials. If passed, the state will also be able to buy the essential residual parts of land that cannot be economically utilised from land owners which the state would other have to make accessible e.g. via a field road. The list of projects involving the backbone motorway network, primary railway corridors and high-speed rail lines is appended to the amendment. Over 145 km of new motorways and category 2 roads are currently under construction and more than 200 km of other projects are ready for construction commencement. Between 2010 and 2013 the construction volume was drastically reduced and it was only an annual average of 4 km from the original 30 km on which construction started. In total numbers it was only 16.4 km of new motorways and 34.4 km on the modernised D1 that could be started during these "meagre" four years. On the contrary, 60% more projects started between 2014 and 2017: 75.1 km of new motorways and 54.3 km of the modernised D1, which makes an average of almost 19 km of new motorway projects and 14 km of the modernised D1. Appendix to Act No. 416/2009 Coll. 1. Motorways and Category I Roads 1.1 Motorways D0 (Prague Ring Road), D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D11, D35, D48, D49, D52, D55 1.2 Category I roads directly connecting to motorway routes I/35 Turnov – Hrádek nad Nisou, state border, I/49 Vizovice – state border 2. Railways 2.1 Conventional railways railway route Prague – České Budějovice - Horní Dvořiště – state border railway route Prague – Pilsen – Domažlice – state border railway route Praha – Česká Třebová – Brno railway route Cheb – Karlovy Vary – Teplice – Ústí nad Labem railway route Prostřední Žleb – Děčín – Mělník – Kolín – Havlíčkův Brod – Brno railway route Hranice na Moravě – Horní Lideč construction projects within the Prague Railway Junction (demarcated by railway stops Praha-Ruzyně, Praha-Zličín, Praha-Řeporyje, Praha-Radotín, Praha-Zbraslav, Praha-Uhříněves, Praha-Běchovice, Praha-Horní Počernice, Praha-Čakovice, Roztoky u Prahy) construction projects within the Brno Railway Junction (demarcated by railway stops Brno-Maloměřice, Starý Lískovec, Modřice, Chrlice, Ponětovice) construction projects within the Ostrava Railway Junction (demarcated by railway stops Polanka nad Odrou, Vratimov, Český Těšín, Petrovice u Karviné, border crossing Bohumín/Chalupki, Ostrava-Třebovice) railway connection Praha – Kladno including the connection of Václav Havel Airport Prague railway route Plzeň – České Budějovice railway route Velký Osek – Hradec Králové – Choceň railway route Praha Vysočany – Lysá nad Labem railway route Otrokovice – Vizovice railway route Olomouc – Šumperk railway route Týniště nad Orlicí – Častolovice – Solnice railway route Hradec Králové – Pardubice – Chrudim railway route Brno – Zastávka u Brna - Okříšky 2.2 High-Speed Rail Lines RS 1 Prague – Brno – Přerov – Ostrava – PL border RS 2 Brno – Břeclav – state border SK/AT RS 3 Prague – Beroun/Hořovice RS 4 Drážďany – Ústí nad Labem – Prague including the Kralupy branch-off (Nová Ves) – Louny – Most