High-speed lines and regional lines. Minister Kupka held talks with his Saxon counterpart18/8/2022|Press releasesImprovement of the main railway corridor between Děčín and Bad Schandau, a high-speed line from Prague to Dresden and improvement of regional connections. These were the main topics of the meeting between Czech transport minister Martin Kupka and his Saxon counterpart Martin Dulig in Königstein near Dresden. The two ministers also discussed the ongoing Czech Presidency of the EU Council and cooperation in introducing innovations in the field of transport. "The biggest news today is that the German side has listened to us and adjusted the schedule of works on the modernisation of the railway line between Děčín and Bad Schandau. This is the main high-capacity crossing for freight and passenger traffic on the railway. The current construction work is severely obstructing traffic and railway undertakings would have to face complications there for the next three years. However, the German railway infrastructure manager will already increase capacity significantly in the first half of next year. It will invest EUR 40 million to speed up the work and amend the time schedule. Instead of the current 99 freight trains per day, 147 freight trains will be able to pass through the line," said minister Martin Kupka after the meeting. This change will also significantly help passenger transport and strengthen Solidarity Lanes for easier import of products and raw materials from Ukraine. The new high-speed rail line from Prague to Dresden via Ústí nad Labem was another important item on the agenda. The construction of this link would reduce the train journey time between the Czech and Saxon capitals to one hour only. Saxony has supported the Czech Republic in its efforts to include the Ústí nad Labem – Heidenau section in the TEN-T core network. The ministers also discussed ways to improve regional rail links between the two countries. They primarily discussed the construction of a new rail link between the Czech town of Rumburk and Seifhennersdorf in Germany, where Germany is currently preparing the feasibility study. "We see high local demand for improving this connection. I am happy that next year Saxony should have a feasibility study for its part of the section ready, so that we can follow up," said minister Kupka. Martin Kupka and Martin Dulig also discussed navigation on the Elbe river and mutual cooperation in digitalisation and innovation in transport. Both politicians stressed that next year the first call for support for joint projects in applied research will be announced. This will strengthen cooperation between research institutions and businesses and help establish important partnerships and deliver results that can be utilised both in the Czech Republic and in Saxony. The Czech Presidency of the EU Council and a joint project for exchange internships were also on the agenda. At the end of the meeting minister Kupka invited his Saxon counterpart to two events in the Czech Republic. The first event are Urban Mobility Days, which will take place in Brno this September, and the PIARC World Road Congress in Prague next October.