Representatives of the V4+ countries met in the Fantova Building at the Prague Central Railway Station to discuss their joint efforts to accelerate the development of transport infrastructure and secure its financing. The meeting resulted in the signing of the Prague Declaration, summarising the main points of the meeting. This article offers their summary.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a loan agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic in the amount of CZK 13 billion (EUR 527 million) for extensive modernisation of the railway network. The loan is part of an EIB operation worth CZK 48.8 billion (EUR 2 billion), intended for increasing the capacity of Czech freight and passenger rail transport while ensuring greater safety and comfort. The funding shall improve rail lines across the country and strengthen the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) by building three main corridors across the country.
Applying for the driving licence from the comfort of our home, regardless of office hours, with a discount on the administration fee and saving one trip to the office and money. This option has been available to drivers in the Czech Republic for more than three years. During this time, more than 150,000 drivers have used the so-called eSubmission, applying for the driving licence online via the Transport Portal or the Citizen Portal. Drivers in Prague, Brno and Pilsen use the eSubmission option the most.
Západočeská metropole je díky výzkumnému projektu Technologické agentury ČR financovanému z programu Ministerstva dopravy DOPRAVA 2020+ zase o něco blíže ideálu chytrého města. Města, ve kterém bude doprava bezpečnější, efektivnější a ekologicky přívětivější. Součástí této modernizace mají být i chytré tramvaje, které dokážou komunikovat s okolím a reagovat na různé situace na trati. V červenci 2024 začíná první taková pokusná tramvaj jezdit po testovacím okruhu v Plzni.
The Czech project L17 App for mentors and young drivers won second place in the Best Road Safety Initiatives 2023 category at the CIECA World Conference in Dubai.
Správa železnic announced today in Jihlava the winner of the open architectural and urban design competition for the new high-speed railway Jihlava terminal. Out of the 25 architectural studios that took part in the competition, the winning design is by the French-Czech association AREP ARCHITECTES – monom. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2029.