Almost 1 000 visitors came to see the headquarters of the Ministry of Transport today as part of the Open House Prague festival. The participants of the open day were guided through some of the premises by the transport minister Martin Kupka.
The construction of the D4 Via Salis motorway, which is the first Czech PPP project in the infrastructure sector, is almost half finished two years since the start of work. By the end of this year it will be 79% finished.
Motorway tolls will change from March 2024. It will now be possible to pay for a one-day vignette for CZK 200, the ten-day vignette will cost CZK 270 and the monthly vignette will cost CZK 430. The annual fee will cost CZK 2300 from March next year. This follows from the draft amendment to the Act on Roads, which includes the mandatory proportionality of prices for individual types of vignettes according to the European Directive.
The Ministry of Transport, Správa železnic and the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the South Moravian Region and the City of Brno on the preparation and implementation of the reconstruction of the Brno railway node. The project, which also includes the relocation of the main railway station in Brno, the construction of a new transfer terminal in Černovice and the modernisation of railway lines in Brno, is expected to cost up to CZK 50 billion. Construction work could start in 2028 and will take 6 years.
This year's strongly pro-investment budget amounting to CZK 70 billion enables the implementation of essential and long-awaited railway projects. The construction plan was presented today by transport minister Martin Kupka and director general of Správa železnic Jiří Svoboda. Exactly one half of the 38 projects planned for this year have already been started. The reconstruction of lines and station buildings will require traffic restrictions, but their impact will be smaller than last year.
The gradual improvement of operating results “on Czech skies and airports” has been positively translating into the company's financial results. After two years of loss making, the company was back in the black numbers and made a profit of CZK 176 million. Despite the still fragile development of the entire business sector, the financial situation was stable in 2022 and the company was able to meet all obligations related to its activities and its obligations towards the state budget. The company's Supervisory Board discussed the financial statements for the previous year at its meeting and recommended them to the founder for approval.