Electronic motorway coupons will start in 2021, SFDI committed31/5/2019|Press releasesThe State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (SFDI) is preparing digital motorway coupons from 2021. The fund head Zbyněk Hořelica informed the transport minister Vladimír Kremlík about this. SFDI also started processing requests from regions to fund category II and III roads and is working on the budget for the next year. "SFDI is committed to launch digital motorway coupons in 2021. The fund head Zbyněk Hořelica assured me today that would meet the deadline. We will eventually come closer to other European countries where drivers no longer place a physical sticker on their windshields," said minister Vladimír Kremlík right after the meeting. The legal framework for the motorway coupons is provided by act 13/1997 Coll. on roads, the amendment of which currently needs to pass the second round in the parliament. Besides motorway coupons, the transport minister made himself familiar with the organisational structure of the state fund and together with the fund head they were discussing the funding of category II and III roads and the budget for the next year. "I want to bring as much funds as possible into transport infrastructure. The good news is that the continuation of the Operational Programme Transportation is ensured. And I will also seek to get more funding from the national budget," the transport minister Vladimír Kremlík added.