Ministry of Transport advances D35 PPP concessionaire selection 19/2/2025|Press releasesThe D35 motorway is an important alternative link between Bohemia and Moravia. After the successful completion of the public procurement, selected concessionaire will ensure, among other things, the construction and operation of 2 sections of the motorway using the PPP method. After the end of the qualification phase, the Ministry of Transport started a competitive dialogue with four shortlisted international bidders. "The start of the competitive dialogue is an important step in the tender procedure and is news for all those who need to travel quickly along the so-called northern route across the country. The completion of the sections now being tendered will extend the D35 motorway closer to the town of Mohelnice and thus connect it to the existing fast connection from Olomouc. The great interest in the tender confirms that the Czech Republic is considered by foreign investors to be a country that can prepare PPP projects well," says transport minister Martin Kupka. Selected concessionaire will be responsible for construction, operation and maintenance of the sections Staré Město – Mohelnice (18.2 km) and Opatovec – Staré Město (16.6 km), including the Dětřichov and Maletín tunnels and also for also the operation and light maintenance of the sections from Litomyšl to Opatovec. "The main objective of PPP projects is to utilise the know-how of the private sector to optimise construction and ensure a high standard of motorway operation. After the defined concession period the concessionaire will hand the infrastructure back to the state in a defined quality. We intend to use the PPP method also for other projects, including high-speed rail lines," added minister Kupka. The D35 has currently reached the highest state of progress from all other Czech motorways under construction. In 2024 we started the construction of six sections amounting to 35.7 kilometres. A total of 64 kilometres of the motorway are under construction. In the coming years we want to start and complete construction of the remaining 52.7 kilometres. The entire D35 motorway is due to be completed in 2029. “The great interest of investors in the D35 PPP project was already indicated by the large participation of foreign investors at last year's Industry Day. I am pleased to see four strong consortia with international experience being shortlisted. It confirms that the Czech Republic is a reputable partner for private investors. The political support of PPPs across the political spectrum and the pipeline of upcoming PPP projects in the road and the railway sector is also very important for foreign investors," says Lenka Hamplová, Head of the Economic and Infrastructure Section of the Ministry of Transport. Further PPP projects in the Czech Republic: - PRAK (Prague – Václav Havel Airport Prague rail link project) – tender for concessionaire (prequalification) has been launched on 27 Nov 2024, with the request for participation deadline being set to 14 April 2025. A competitive dialogue will follow the prequalification and shortlisting. - RS Morava – based on the recommendations of the feasibility study, the government approved the implementation of three specific fast connection projects: Moravian Gate, South Moravia (high-speed line with 320 km/h), Moravia Centre (Brno – Přerov, conventional line with a speed increase to 200 km/h)). We are now elaborating on these projects in terms of land acquisition and preparing the selection of a transaction advisor who will assist with the tender for concessionaire. - Selected sections of D0, D3 and D55 – a feasibility study is currently being prepared to assess the possibility of PPP implementation. The study will be completed this summer and its results will be submitted to the government for approval.