High-speed rail lines, charging stations for electric cars. Minister Kupka held talks in Luxembourg2/6/2022|Press releasesTrans-European transport networks, infrastructure for alternative fuels, the programme of the forthcoming Czech EU Presidency and assistance to Ukraine in transporting agricultural production to world markets. These and other topics were discussed by Transport Minister Martin Kupka and his counterparts from 26 other EU countries at the Transport, Energy and Telecommunications Council meeting in Luxembourg. The main topic of the meeting were transport proposals of the Fit for 55 package that shall contribute to a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). These proposals involve the deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure (AFIR) and promotion of the use of sustainable fuels in air and maritime transport. The Czech Republic supported the French Presidency's compromises also in view of the current international situation and the need to reduce dependence on Russian gas and oil. Regarding the AFIR proposal, EU countries agreed on the need to increase the number of charging stations for electric vehicles and also hydrogen vehicles. This was in response to the increasing demand for new types of cars and the need to ensure sufficient infrastructure for the future. "From the very beginning, we have sought to ensure that the targets for truck charging stations take into account the fact that the market for electric or hydrogen cars in countries like the Czech Republic is still at the start. And we have succeeded in achieving this," said Minister Kupka after the meeting. As regards maritime and air transport, the Member States agreed on common ambitions and the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels. Thanks to hard negotiations, the Member States were able to ensure that synthetic fuels produced from low-carbon hydrogen can be used to meet the Fit for 55 targets for aviation. All three proposals succeeded in finding a common position among the Member States. The Czech Presidency will therefore open negotiations with the European Parliament on the final wording of the regulation. The proposal of a directive on the deployment of intelligent transport systems (ITS), which will lead to better road safety and fluidity, was also discussed. From the Czech Republic's point of view, the discussion on the shape of the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) was crucial. The proposal will determine the direction of transport infrastructure development for the next 10 years. Discussions on the proposal will continue under the Czech Presidency, during which Minister Martin Kupka will seek to find a common position among the 27 Member States. This proposal is crucial for the Czech Republic, because it will allow the development of high-speed rails in the Czech Republic and the connection of new rail sections in Central Europe to the network already built in Western Europe. The ministers also discussed how to help Ukraine transport its grain and other goods to world markets. The main problem is how to replace the lack of capacity in Ukrainian ports, which Russia has blocked since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. The Member States, the European Commission and carriers are working hard with their Ukrainian partners to simplify all procedures, including the introduction of new connections, especially on rail. "The Czech Republic has already dispatched the first train carrying 1 800 tonnes of maize. Our carriers are willing to continue with this cooperation if they are interested. Future investments in infrastructure that will better connect Ukraine with the EU will also be a big issue," said Martin Kupka, head of the transport ministry. At the end of the meeting the Minister presented the programme of the upcoming EU Presidency in the field of transportation. The Czech Republic sees the coming six months as a unique opportunity to raise the profile of the country and the entire Central European region. It will focus in particular on better connectivity of transport networks, sustainable transport and smart and safe mobility.