Starting in December, the emission measurement stations will take photos of all vehicles checked27/10/2017|Press releasesStarting on December 1, the emission measurement stations will have to make photodocumentation of the vehicles measured. At the same time, the stations will be connected to the Technical Inspection Stations Information System, where the video records and the measurement results will be stored on-line. The same system has worked for the Technical Inspection Stations since January 2016. The amendment to the act on the conditions of road traffic, however, extended the obligation of video recording to emission measuring stations as well. "This practice proved well for the technical inspection stations. We expect that it will prevent fraud in measuring emissions. It should not happen again that the car does not actually go through the inspection, but still gets the stamp. This is because the measurement device automatically communicates with the software of the Ministry of Transport on-line. Therefore, the measurement data cannot be overwritten in the protocol," says the Minister of Transport Dan Ťok. The new emissions measurement recording system shall prevent fraud with the inspections. It will also no longer be possible that a vehicle that does not pass the measurement in one station simply comes to another station. The reason is that the times and inspection times will be recorded in the protocols. Like with the Technical Inspection Stations, the engineers will document the front and rear view of the vehicle as well as the production plate, the tachometer and the VIN code. The images will also serve as additional mileage verification. At the same time, the change will simplify administration for the emission measurement stations. Once a station writes the vehicle data in the system, it will only search and find the data with the next measurement and will not need to enter the data again. Stations that will want to carry out the emission measurements after December 1 must register in the system. So far 950 emission measurement stations have registered in the system. The number of emission measurement stations is, unlike in the case of Technical Inspection Stations, not regulated in any way. It is therefore possible that some emission measurement stations that have been authorised for carrying out this activity in the past, but are no longer active or do not want to continue, will not register in the system. Those stations that are interested in providing this service to motorists after December 1 must also join the system. We will keep the motorists informed about any further changes to the emission measurement stations. As of December 1, they will have an up-to-date list of those emission measurement stations that carry out emission measurements.