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Concept of Urban and Active Mobility 2021 - 2030

Transport Policy of the Czech Republic 2021 - 2027

Charging for the use of roads Driver registration card, registry of scoring Driver memory card (digital tachograph) Road communications Driver´s professional competence Registry of motor vehicles Driving licences Freight and international bus transport Converting and manufacture of a road vehicle Overview of valid vehicle registration documents

In the Czech Republic, since 1956, vehicle registration documents consisted of 2 parts (still valid). Until 31.12.2023, when registering a vehicle, the registration office always issued a registration certificate and a technical certificate. The series and number of the issued Registration Certificate was always entered in the "Official Records" section of the Technical Certificate...

No. 108/1997 Coll. DECREE of the Ministry of Transport and Communications

Act No 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation

State Safety Programme of the Czech Republic – 2nd edition

Exchange of UK driving licence for a Czech one – useful guidelines for UK citizens living in the Czech Republic

Below, you will find information issued by the Ministry of Transport in a form of questions and answers about normal residence and a list of documents, which may be requested by municipal authorities during the exchange procedure.QuestionCan I exchange my UK driving licence for a Czech one if I came to the Czech Republic before the end of 2020 to stay here after 1 January 2021, i.e. I have been...

Czech D35 - Potential Road PPP Project

The Ministry of Transport CZE, in cooperation with the EIB (European Investment Advisory Hub), is carrying out a feasibility study with significant contributions from Pricewaterhouse Coopers Czech Republic to verify the suitability and cost-effectiveness of selected sections of the D35 motorway in the form of a PPP project. In this context, a preliminary information memorandum was prepared...

Transportable Pressure Equipment

Archiv• Prováděcí rozhodnutí Komise (EU) 2015/974 ze dne 17. června 2015, kterým se členské státy podle směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2008/68/ES o pozemní přepravě nebezpečných věcí opravňují k přijetí některých odchylek (oznámeno pod číslem C(2015) 4087)• Prováděcí rozhodnutí Komise (EU) 2015/217 ze dne 10. dubna 2014, kterým se členské státy podle směrnice Evropského...

Documents count:75