číslo průkazujménoSD 000029Mgr. Martin MarešSD 000034Michaela Šletrová, MSc.SD 000131Ing. Vladislav VaníčekSD 000132Mgr. Eva RomanováSD 000133Ing. Radek Jelínek
Air CarrierLicence No.:ABS Jets, a. s. Pobřežní 297/14, 186 00 Praha 8 PO Box 84, 161 00 Praha 6http://www.absjets.cz/CZ - 8/LAEROPARTNER a.s. Podhořany u Ronova, 538 03 Nový Dvůr 79 K letišti 1063, 160 08 Praha 6CZ-65/LAEROTAXI, s. r. o. Nad vinným potokem 1149/2 101 11 Praha 10http://www.aerotaxieu.euCZ - 56/LAir Bohemia a.s. ...
Group of experts on the Abatement of Nuisances Caused by Air Transport (ANCAT) is concerned with the reduction of unfavourable environmental impacts caused by air transport. The group has been established in 1974 by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and constitutes of the ECAC Member state experts, who participate in development of environmental policy in air transport. Within the...
Czech National Standards ISO 3891 (01 1650) – Procedure for presentation of aircraft noise heard on the ground Czech National Standards ISO 1996-1 (01 1621) – Acoustics – Description and measurement of environmental noise Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures Czech National Standards ISO 1996-2 (01 1621) – Acoustics – Description and...
Standards and recommended procedures relating to aircraft noise were first adopted by the ICAO Council in 1971 and marked as Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. This Annex has been supplemented with procedures relating to aircraft noise emission. ICAO Circular 303-AN/176 - Operational Opportunities to Minimize Fuel Use and Reduce Emissions...
Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on protection of public health and amendment of some related Acts, as subsequently amended Section 30 of the Act states that the airport operators shall be obliged to ensure by means of technical, organisational and other measures that the noise does not exceed hygienic limits specified in a regulation for implementation for protected outer premises...
Documents count:75