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Licences and Insurance

Licenced Railway Undertakings (SŽDC)


Information from the meetings of the Interoperability Committee for experts, and current proposals of Technical Interoperability Specifications (TSI). •Railway Interoperability  

Safety - European Rail Agency

• European Railway AgencyThe European Railway Agency was set up to help create this integrated railway area by reinforcing safety and interoperability . Its main task is to develop economically viable common technical standards and approaches to safety, working closely with railway sector stakeholders, national authorities and other concerned parties, as well aswith the European...

Combined Transport

Combined Transport is a system of transporting goods in one transportation unit (large container, swap body, a rollable container) or on a road vehicle, which also makes use of rail or water transport.  It involves the transportation of a load in one transportation unit, using several types of transportation, and only the combined-transport transportation unit is re-loaded, not the goods...

Department for Railways, Railway and Combined Transport

Department for Railways, Railway and Combined Transport, is responsible for the following:   1.1.   Execution of state administration in matters concerning rails of the I and II Degree, pursuant to Act no. 2/1969 Coll., On the Establishment of Ministries and Other Central State Administration Bodies of the Czech Republic, as amended, Act no. 50/1976 Coll., On Zoning and...

Having an older Driving Licence exchanged for a new one (the EC model)

• Existing DLs that were issued between 1 July 1964 and 30 April 2004 continue to be valid in all European Union member states.   • DLs that were issued before 1 July 1964 are no longer valid, and their exchange was possible, according to the law, only until the end of 2002.  Now, a new application form for the EC-model DL must be filed.  In such cases, the...

Allocation of limited traffic rights

Decision making process on distribution of traffic rights is under sole jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport according to Act no. 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation, as amended by the Act no. 225/2006 Coll. and Act no. 500/2004 Coll, Administrative Code.

Air Transport

Legislation in Force • Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation and on amendment and supplement of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on engaging in trade (The Trades Licensing Act), as subsequently amended, as amended by Act No. 189/1999 Coll., Act No. 146/2000 Coll., Act No. 258/2002, Act No. 309/2002 Coll. and Act No. 167/2004 Coll.- Act No. 49/1997 Coll. is effective from 1 April 1997...

Implementation Plna of Action Plan of the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the Czech Republic until 2020 (with a view to 2050)

Implementation plan of the Action Plan of the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the Czech Republic until 2020 (with a view to 2050) (Implementation Plan of ITS) containing set of project proposals meeting measures and objectives of the Action Plan on the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the Czech Republic until 2020 (with a view to 2050)

Clean Mobility

Schválením dokumentu „Národní akční plán čisté mobility (NAP CM)“ vyjadřuje vláda ČR vůli státu aktivně podpořit rozvoj alternativních paliv zejména v silniční dopravě, a naplnit tak dříve definované cíle ČR v oblasti energetiky, dopravy a životního prostředí. Za situace, kdy se podpora rozvoje alternativních paliv v dopravě stává nejen v evropském, ale i celosvětovém kontextu stále nosnějším...

Documents count:75