The Czech Technology Agency opened a new opportunity for transportation-related research 13/6/2019|Press releasesThere is a new opportunity for research organisations, businesses and other entities to get funding for their research projects that will bring new solutions, concepts, technological practices and services with added value for the transportation sector and with economic benefits. On June 12, 2019 the Czech Technology Agency (TA ČR) announced its first public competition under the Ministry of Transport programme DOPRAVA 2020+. "The Ministry of Transport managed to prepare the DOPRAVA 2020+ programme in cooperation with the Czech Technology Agency that had been missing in the portfolio of national programmes supporting applied research. Through this programme we can now support research projects from the transportation industry for which there had been no compact financial instrument in the past. This will now boost the development in the entire sector." said Vladimír Kremlík, the transport minister. The programme seeks to support applied research projects to further develop the transportation sector in terms of sustainability, safety and availability. Projects targeting smart traffic solutions, smart cities, transport space data and projects in automation, digitalisation and satellite navigation systems. The programme is relevant not only on the national level, but actually follows up current European objectives. Research organisations, enterprises and other entities can design their projects and, if successful, investigate them on their own or in cooperation with other participants. Project applications can be filed from 13 June until 13 August 2019. The subsequent evaluation period will end on 31 January, 2020. Public funding amounting to CZK 500 million was allocated to this first competition. The maximum amount of state support that can be allocated per project is CZK 50 million. The maximum support level is 80% of project costs. Project duration was defined between 12 and 48 months. These public competitions will be announced on an annual basis until 2023. Expected expenses of the programme for all public competitions, as scheduled, funded from the state budget for the defined period is CZK 1.95 billion. "The DOPRAVA 2020+ programme is the key instrument for the future and development of the transportation field and reflects the needs of the whole society. The outcomes of the projects that will be supported will contribute to an acceleration of the technological development and the knowledge base of the Czech Republic and will boost its competitiveness", Petr Konvalinka, the TA ČR chairman, added. Detailed information on the 1st public competition under the DOPRAVA 2020+ programme will be provided at an information seminar that will take place on 26 June at 10:30 in the TA ČR head office. Ode dneška je možné podávat návrhy výzkumných projektů z oblastí životního prostředí a dopravy do 2 veřejných soutěži #programDOPRAVA2020+ a #programProstrediProZivot Více ℹ️ — TACR (@TACR_cz) 13. června 2019 „Program DOPRAVA 2020+ je klíčovým nástrojem pro budoucnost a rozvoj dopravního sektoru s reflexí potřeb celé společnosti. Výsledky projektů, které budou v rámci něj podpořeny, přispějí k akceleraci technologického i znalostního rozvoje České republiky a k růstu její konkurenceschopnosti“, doplnil Petr Konvalinka, předseda TA ČR. Podrobné informace k 1. veřejné soutěži Programu DOPRAVA 2020+ získají zájemci na informačním semináři, který se uskuteční 26. června 2019 od 10:30 hod v sídle TA ČR.