Podpisem mezinárodní letecké dohody vyvrcholila návštěva ministra dopravy Martina Kupky v Senegalu. Podařilo se tak aktualizovat původní dohodu z roku 1962. Ta již neodpovídala současnému vývoji v oblasti letecké dopravy. Nová dohoda zároveň umožní rozšíření přístupu leteckých dopravců na přepravní trh a může posílit turistický ruch v obou zemích.
The D35 motorway is an important alternative link between Bohemia and Moravia. After the successful completion of the public procurement, selected concessionaire will ensure, among other things, the construction and operation of 2 sections of the motorway using the PPP method. After the end of the qualification phase, the Ministry of Transport started a competitive dialogue with four shortlisted international bidders.
1 803 trains equipped with ETCS, 3 500 trained drivers and 110 km of lines. With these numbers, the Czech railway enters a new era: the exclusive operation of the European Train Control System ETCS, which has been monitoring traffic on a total of 622 km of main lines in the Czech Republic since 1 January and will gradually start controlling traffic in the following weeks of January. ETCS can automatically stop or slow down a train if the driver made a mistake.
Transport ministers in Brussels discussed the latest transport proposals and how to balance the competitiveness and climate ambitions of the European automotive sector. They agreed, among other things, on a common text for draft legislation aimed at better enforcing passengers' rights in all modes of transport and ensuring passengers' rights in relation to journeys by different means of transport. They also adopted the Council's position on a ban on driving with Europe-wide effect.
Seventeen-year-old drivers who are accompanied by a mentor commit significantly fewer offences than 18-year-old licence holders. The new option is used by 20% of drivers who have obtained the licence this year. This is shown by data from the Ministry of Transport, which were evaluated on Tuesday by the Czech Government Council for Road Safety. The Council also approved draft measures aimed at further reducing the number of road fatalities and serious injuries over the next two years.
Accident statistics for 2024 show a decline in fatalities, injuries and offences among young drivers. The possibility to drive from the age of 17 with a mentor (L17) has also contributed to improving the behaviour of young drivers on the roads.